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  1. Tips and Events for the Week of Nov. 19

    people, Thanksgiving weekend is not only for turkey and the trimmings, but also for decorating your home for the ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: Take small steps to save on monthly bills

    more than half of the people who owned them never used the programmable features. Consider getting ...

  3. OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update

    Studio at the University of Rio Grande.  Guests include a variety of people representing educational, ... statistics of YouTube and Internet Radio, people from over 170 countries have viewed or listened to at least ... broadcasts provide subject information on varying topics ranging from interviewing people from small ...

  4. Chow Line: New labels to help ID added sugars

    for people to limit consumption of added sugars to as low as 5 percent of calories. That ...

  5. 'Much to Gain' by Boosting Outdoor Recreation in Ohio: Discussion Dec. 9

    engagement to really connect with people locally, one on one, to provide safe, affordable, enjoyable, ...

  6. News tips and events for the week of June 17

    Generations, 9–11 a.m., online. The workshop will identify four generations of people in today’s workforce, ...

  7. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    people’s health. The Maumee watershed, which empties into the lake at Toledo, is the lake’s largest source ...

  8. Family Fundamentals: Resilient families better able to cope with crisis

    people and organizaitons they can rely on to assist with practical and moral support, and recognize when ...

  9. Chow Line: Many Americans improving their diet

    machines, food trucks and other venues where people eat out. That makes a difference because foods prepared ...

  10. Communication, Management Key During Tough Financial Times on Farm

    meetings. “I think most of us would agree that being able to talk about a situation helps people feel ...
