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  1. CFAES’s Wooster Campus Sees 2nd Tornado in 7 Years

    cleanup underway, “our No. 1 priority is keeping people safe.” Repairs will begin “as soon as possible.” ...

  2. Summer Camp: Guidance for Parents

    location and the cost the family is willing to pay. "But there are camps for young people who are very ...

  3. Ohio’s Salamanders: 24 Good Things to Know (and What They Can Tell You)

    of their lives hidden, so people rarely see them,” Titchenell said. “But they’re there. And they’re ...

  4. Farmers, Greenhouse Operators Invited to Natural Gas Workshop Jan. 14

    a lot of people, including farmers,” said workshop organizer Douglas Southgate, professor of ...

  5. Across the (Corn) Field, Brutus Buckeye Puts Multi-Hybrid Planting on Center Stage

    said. “It can be difficult to get people’s attention when you start talking about field prescriptions ...

  6. Women in Agriculture to Gather April 1 at Annual East Ohio Conference

    information we already gather,” Wright said. “I get to know what other people are doing and how that might ...

  7. Milking Excellence

    animals.  Provide good nutritional programs. Use Appropriate Consultants.  Develop a team of people with ...

  8. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    ideas is how we all learn. Resource people for the day will be Bob Hendershot of Green Pasture Services, ... the first 50 people.  Thanks to financial sponsorship from the  Ohio Forage and Grassland Council, the ...

  9. 2015 Sessions for On-Farm Food Safety Training Scheduled

    are open to all. Classes may be cancelled if fewer than 10 people preregister, Hoover said. Sessions ...

  10. Late Planting Increases Need to Scout for Pests

    people cutting early to help stem the pests,” Hammond said. “And we’ve had reports of Asiatic garden ...
