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Should I Continue Farming?
they can offer advice and suggest relevant resources and people who can help. The following pages are ... a decision to exit farming is not easy and is filled with a great deal of emotions. There are people and ... professionals, get answers to your questions, and make the best possible decisions. There are many people who can ...
Putting MyPlate on Your Table: Grains
Kidd, M.P.H., R.D., L.D., Healthy People Program Specialist, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State ... Linnette Goard, M.S., Cindy Oliveri, M.S. Revised by Bridgette Kidd, M.P.H., R.D., L.D., Healthy People ...
Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
both high-cut turf and golf-course samples, be sure the sample includes roots. Many people might not ...
Nurturant Grandfathering: Let’s Get Involved
wise, authority figure in the extended family clan, people who primarily gave advice about getting an ... however, he wrote that “old people can and need to maintain a grand-generative function” (Erikson 1982, ...
Building a Team within a 4-H Club
(1986) define a team as a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common ... of any team or small group of people. Forming ➡ Storming ➡ Norming ➡ Performing 1. Forming In the ... of how to encourage people to work together Skills to manage change and build team competencies ...
Emergency Plans for Pets
people cope with losing pets during disasters, the federal government has enacted a public law, commonly ... local emergency preparedness authorities include provisions for people with household pets and service ... people with pets and service animals, but does not provide specific funds designated for that purpose. ...
Secondary Injury Prevention: Farming with a Pacemaker
each use to ensure they are not damaged and are not likely to cause electric shock. People with ... recommended that people with pacemakers avoid welding; however, some individuals may still need to use these ... tools. People with pacemakers using welding equipment should use extreme caution. Do not use current ...
Farming with a Visual Impairment
vision impairment and blindness in different ways. Most people are born with excellent eyesight, but many ... lose vision due to an injury, aging or disease over time. For some people vision loss is sudden, and ... function or sometimes people with the same eye condition may have different degrees of remaining vision. ...
Coalition Leadership
Jennifer Lobb, Graduate Research Associate, Ohio State University Extension The people who lead, ... are listed in this fact sheet. A coalition may benefit from a leadership team made up of people with ... competence as the respect for, engagement with and mutual influence among people of different ethnic, racial ...
Liquid Manure
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), have at least two people standing by, and put on a safety harness and ... will keep livestock and people away from the structure. Signs should be posted indicating ...