
Search results

  1. OSU Extension: Family and Consumer Sciences

    People Healthy Relationships   Though topics vary from county to county, contact your local county office ...

  2. Generation Rx. Safe Medication Practices for Life.

    The mission of Generation Rx is to educate people of all ages about safe medication practices. ... education people of all ages about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications. In doing so, ...

  3. Assistive Technology and Universal Design

    efficiency. However people with disabilities face even greater challenges in performing essential tasks in ...

  4. Chow Line: Food Safety Hotline Provides Answers to Consumers' Food Questions

    summer when people are canning food, and during the holidays when people have questions about ... Thanksgiving turkey,” Dean said. “This service is a reliable resource for people who don’t have access to the ...

  5. ACEL students selected to serve as CFAES ambassadors

    with people in and around our industries and communities.” These five students join 12 ACEL students ...

  6. Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms

    community, and there is a lot of support for the program," he said. Stephanie Eafford, principal at ... Cincinnati. Writers: Martha Filipic Sources: Rob Isner, Tony Staubach, Bob Horton, and Stephanie Eafford ...

  7. September 2019 Highlights

    on Engineering and Food (ICEF13). The department hosted over 120 people this month at the annual FST ...

  8. Entrepreneurial Networks

    Awareness of people and organization with influence in your city. Knowledge of social competencies and ...

  9. Wilson completes internship with Ohio Farm Bureau

    hired, trained and managed a team of 25-30 young people that served as ambassadors throughout the fair ...

  10. Local Volunteer Recognized

    youth to adults – Judy’s garden club is growing both produce and people.     ...
