
Search results

  1. Ohio History of 4-H

    easily accepting the new agricultural developments from universities. However, young people were found to ... people in Ohio had been 4-Hers. The 4-H Diamond Jubilee (1952-1977) The first state junior leader ... programming.   One 1 of every 6 people in Ohio has been, or is currently, involved with 4-H Youth Development ...

  2. Front-End Loader Safety

    recommendations to avoid bystander and operator injury: • Do  not  ever lift or carry people in the bucket. • Do  ... not  move or swing a load should with people in the work area. • Do  not  ever walk or work under ...

  3. On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation

    (movement of people, animals and equipment) will be regulated, and how cleaning and disinfection procedures ... initiated. What About People Who Visit the Farm? Some operations, such as large poultry and swine farms, have ... well-developed plans for biosecurity and control of the risk that people present. In an emergency, such as the ...

  4. Nurturant Grandfathering: Character Work

    to helping others. Tell stories, sing songs, or read nursery rhymes about people who have ...

  5. Putting MyPlate on Your Table: Vegetables

    recommended that people of all ages fill half of their plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal. ... weight management. People who eat vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are more likely to have ...

  6. Listeria monocytogenes: A Concern for Pregnant Women and Older Adults

    people do not often develop noticeable symptoms after eating contaminated food. The highest incidence of ... is at Risk? Healthy people rarely contract listeriosis, but the illness can be serious for some ... people, especially the elderly, newborns, pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems. What ...

  7. Betsy Cunningham

    during all 4 years of my undergraduate degree and really liked working with the people in the program. ...

  8. Honey Bees in House Walls

    a nuisance or hazard to humans. Some people have severe allergic reactions to the sting of a honey bee. Honey ... not be appropriate if the bees are located in an area where people are very active. To trap, place ...

  9. Food Preservation Home Food preservation information, programs, and pressure canner testing are available across ...

  10. Selecting, Storing and Serving Ohio Carrots

    HYG-5514 Family and Consumer Sciences 07/19/2021 Revised 2021: Amy Meehan, Healthy People Program ...
