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Livestream of Discovery Themes Lecture
people back into contact with each other and with reality. Watch the livestream starting at 6 p.m. on ...
Diversity workshop in Wooster on Feb. 26th
understanding of people from diverse social identity groups; identify barriers and benefits to having diversity ...
Farm Science Review to Honor Individuals in 26th Hall of Fame Class
three-day farm show. “John and Harold will join an extraordinary group of people who have gone above and ...
Chainsaw safety, dozens more topics on tap for Farm Science Review’s Gwynne Conservation Area
opportunity to interact with resource people on specific topics, see some of those topics applied on the ...
Introduction to Agriculture
cattle, etc. Who Is It For This professional development series was created for people working in banking ...
Queer 101: An Introduction to LGBTQ+ Identities
people and a better understanding of their own identities. Cap: 100 participants This workshop is ...
Chow Line: With Holiday Baking Season in Full Swing, a Reminder from CDC to Just Say No to Eating Raw Dough
people (including me!) might love the taste of raw cookie dough or raw cake or brownie batter, eating it ... people know that raw or undercooked eggs can cause salmonella poisoning, which can result in fever, ... abdominal cramps, and diarrhea, but fewer people are aware that raw flour can also harbor dangerous ...
Laura Deeter receives national honor
student engagement, curiosity and/or achievement? Instructure helps people grow from the first day of ... school to the last day of work. More than 30 million people use the Canvas Learning Management Platform ...
Hunger and Food Security
authorities estimate 11 percent of the world population — nearly 800 million people — are malnourished, and ...
Procedure for reserving community room in Applewood Village
room can comfortably hold 45- 90 people, depending on the room setup. Follow the link below to view ...