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Signature Areas
directed its resources to advance knowledge and generate economic development opportunities for the people ...
May 2021 Highlights
well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of luck to our ...
Farm Science Review, we can not forget the people and places that provided the foundation of what the ...
Thoughts from the Director
grill, and talking longer walks in the sun. I am glad to know that more and more people are getting ...
FSR presentation ‘Can Cities Feed Themselves?’ looks at urban farming
substantial, he said. “People have caught onto the fact that urban ag has a whole lot of community development ... Some 130,000 people are expected to attend the event. ...
Thoughts from the Director
for others. Do people know they can run ideas by you without being judged? Are you available for, and ...
Farm Science Review: Good reasons to go green at the Gwynne Conservation Area
of the Review’s main grounds, where some 130,000 people are expected over the event’s three days. In ... a forester, I’m happy to show people how planting small seedlings eventually leads to large trees,” Smith ...
Thoughts from the Director – COVID-19 Updates
programming for educational events up to 100 people that cannot be accomplished virtually. Per the ...
Budget Updates/Planning
think about what is really necessary right now, and know that our ultimate goal is to keep our people ...
Work in the Time of COVID: Catching up with Ellia La
dates I can still reconnect with friends from home or some people I don’t get to see because of spatial ... great for people with disabilities or who are less mobile and also for people like me who have more ... her high school district. “I’m connecting with people I haven’t connected with in a really long time ...