
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Watch sugar intake over holidays

    sugars are just a source of needless empty calories and cutting back would help people with their weight ...

  2. Ohio State Partners to Create New Agricultural and Food Law Consortium

    and legal issues to help us identify what the needs or issues people are dealing with,” she said. “The ...

  3. 4-Hers Conquer Eco-Bot Challenge

    Young people across the United States participated in the Eco-Bot challenge, a simulated toxic ...

  4. Food Science Grad Student Advises U.S. Policy-Makers on Global Food Security

    farmers, and provide safe and nutritious food for our people," she said. Upon her return to Tanzania, ...

  5. Bedbugs Still Major Problem: TV Campaign Teaches Ohioans Do's and Don'ts

    stages, eggs, nymphs and adults." The third PSA warns people not to use over-the-counter foggers or ...

  6. Oct. 14: How to Stop Algal Blooms, Keep Drinking Water Safe

    people’s willingness to pay for public goods such as clean water. The event goes from 7:15-10:10 a.m. in ...

  7. Family Fundamentals: Confusion, memory problems common in elderly (Oct. 2012)

    being able to follow directions. Getting confused about time, people and places. Not taking care of ...

  8. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth’s Magnetic Field

    as dark blocks that line up like a spine. Magnets in bacteria? Brian Lower stumps a lot of people ...

  9. Cover Crop Field Day Announcement

    for people to see.  It can plant one acre per minute. Refreshments will be available at the site. This ...

  10. Chow Line: Tips for the first-time home canner

    high-altitude canning. Some people are surprised that even Midwest states like Ohio have areas above 1,000 feet. ...
