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Family and Consumer Sciences
Sciences (FCS) serves thousands of people throughout Ohio every year. Our team of FCS professionals ... Healthy People, and Healthy Relationships. We help people keep healthy through good nutrition and food ... Healthy People, and Healthy Relationships. Visit them regularly at the Live Smart Ohio website: Live Smart Ohio. ...
Money As You Grow
foundation for the young people in their lives, but they might not feel that they have enough time, tools, ...
Birds and Birding
Presently, over 47 million people in the United States consider themselves birders. Whether you are a novice ... Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, ... for everybody. We focus on people with mobility challenges, blindness or low vision, chronic illness, ...
Backyard Poultry Certification
steadily as more people want to provide for their family and personal food security. We have also seen an ...
Student Cooperative Start-up Toolkit
A student-led cooperative, where young people in an agricultural class, 4-H club, FFA chapter, ... young people entrepreneurial skills and the unique aspects of the cooperative business model, which is ...
Session Four: Darkness: A Disappearing Habitat Vital to Life on Earth
register so we know how many people to expect each week. Please register here: ...
Session Three: The Importance of Trees
register so we know how many people to expect each week. Please register here: ...
Early Childhood Education Programming
:// SNAP-ED SNAP-ED is an evidence-based program that helps people make their SNAP dollars stretch, teaches ...
Session Five: Going Green: Sustainability Inside the Home
register so we know how many people to expect each week. Please register here: ...
Session Two: Helping Backyard Wildlife
register so we know how many people to expect each week. Please register here: ...