
Search results

  1. Highland County 4-H’er selected as a Georgia Boot Trailblazer

    to tell people across the nation about my experiences in Highland County 4-H.” ...

  2. Nature Matters

    Academy of Pediatrics. Research also shows the best way to connect young people to a lifelong concern for ...

  3. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offers Workshops

    Transgender and Nonbinary People (Must have valid OSU credentials and register via BuckeyeLearn)   June 18 ...

  4. Healthy People

    Our Healthy People programs seek to educate Ohio residents about living healthy lives. Our Healthy ... People programs include lessons on healthy eating and cooking, physical activity, sun safety, food ... preservation, and food safety. The overall goal of Healthy People programming is to equip Ohioans with the ...

  5. Trauma-Informed Care

    What is Trauma-Informed Care? Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have ... many different types of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and ...

  6. Money As You Grow

    foundation for the young people in their lives, but they might not feel that they have enough time, tools, ...

  7. Ohio teens grow as global citizens in Greece

    was also great to meet all the very friendly and compassionate people in Greece, even in brief ... always had such good conversations. Getting to connect with the Greek people was really impactful and the ... understand different cultures and ideas through interacting with local people,” said Schmidt. “It was an ...

  8. Healthy Finances

    families, and through reaching people in their own homes through distance education.  To learn more about ...

  9. ChopChop Kids Club Newsletter

    about celery. Celery! You might not think about it that much. Maybe only a few people would call it ... to share a great meal with the people you love. Volume 16: Fourth of July This week we’re making ... that’s okay! You can make our burger recipe with or for any father figures or other special people in ...

  10. Ohio 4-H PetPALS

    at the Ohio 4-H Center.     People and Animals Linking Successfully! 4-H PetPALS is a program of Ohio ... based, intergenerational program linking young people and their pets with senior adults in various ...
