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  1. Ohio State empowers student veterans in their academic journey

    doubt we succeed most when we are surrounded with a team of people who can provide the guidance, wisdom, ... explained. “Many of us leave these events having connected with a couple of people who become new teammates, ...

  2. Pre-Fair Resources

    intergenerational program linking young people and their pets with senior adults in various healthcare facilities. ... understanding of their rich histories, while becoming more compassionate and caring. Young people learn to train ...

  3. Ohio State Drought Rapid Response Team provides resources for farmers amid worsening weather conditions

    periods,” said Stephanie Karhoff, OSU Extension field specialist in agronomic systems. “This leads to lower ... Stephanie Karhoff 567-376-4019 Garth Ruff 740-305-3201 Jason Hartschuh ... mobilizing people and resources to address issues of concern to crop and livestock producers in Ohio that are ...

  4. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Marcia Ruff

    talk to new people and complete interviews with confidence. A friend of mine once said you can tell ...

  5. 4-H and the Ohio Graduation Seals

    allows young people to explore their personal sparks, while fostering relationships with youth and adult ...

  6. Undergraduate

    on the human, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability – often referred to as people ...

  7. Breonna Shepherd, an AEDE fourth-year student, earns competitive scholarship to attend the Women in Agribusiness Summit

    journey,” continued Shepherd. “Overall, it was an amazing experience with wonderful people, opportunities, ...

  8. Dr. Chieri Kubota

    knowledge & work capacity to help industry people all over the world understand the problems they have ... and the best way to solve them. I truly like to help people.   Favorite industry conference ... the membership includes lots of industry people. This group is filled with active collaborations & ...

  9. From field to community: CFAES donates pumpkins to brighten Star House Halloween

    of blemishes. A range of sizes and colors makes for a festive display, and I always encourage people ...

  10. Strategic Alignment and Plan

    of 467 people provided input during one of our 21 in person meetings (and an additional 522 people ... operations, facilities, efficiencies, and processes. People want to find the best way possible to serve our ... able to engage with people from diverse backgrounds around issues of food, agriculture, and the ...
