
Search results

  1. Family and Consumer Sciences

    Better Lives, Stronger Communities OSU Extension family and consumer sciences (FCS) gives people ... food practices, better nutrition, better finances and better relationships – helping people acquire the ... of people’s lives. We work to make information accessible to all Ohioans. You can count on FCS to ...

  2. 4-H in the Classroom

    What do 4-H School Programs Look Like? For young people...4-H provides opportunities to ... family members...4-H creates safe, healthy, enriching environments that enhance young people’s social, ... skill with young people. 4-H works with urban, suburban and rural schools to identify their areas of ...

  3. Master Gardener Volunteers Added Color to the Purple People Bridge

    to the Purple People Bridge again this year.  The plants were donated by Cincinnati Parks and the ... — popularly known as the Purple People Bridge — is a pedestrian-only bridge that stretches 2,670 feet ...

  4. Dining With Diabetes

    with Diabetes is an eduational program designed for people with diabetes and their family members. It ... with recipes each week. Who can participate? People with diabetes and their family members, caregivers, ...

  5. Dietary Guidelines

    outlines how people can improve their overall eating patterns — the complete combination of foods and ...

  6. Hamilton County Extension Welcomes State Representative Brigid Kelly

    conditions in which they thrive. Our Mission is to create opportunities for people to explore how ...

  7. About SNAP-Ed

    delivered? 'Helping people to improve their lives through an educational process using scientific ...

  8. 2021 Extension Annual Conference

    three people to complete and send in their BINGO board.  2021 Keynote Speaker David Horsager- ...

  9. First Mondays

    People and Situations, Cynthia Torppa For more information, contact T, Diane  ...

  10. Past ACEL to Extension Series

    people communicate differently and how you can use your strengths to build relationships with your team ... and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through the workshop participants will learn their ... people through processes that provide useful information and data in making decisions and developing ...
