
Search results

  1. Poison Hemlock and Wild Parsnip are Bolting and Blooming

    peopl e.  However, mechanical control through mowing, weed trimming, or hand-pulling is problematic.  ...

  2. Thanksgiving Break

    Thursday, Nov. 24- Thanksgiving Day. No classes, offices closed. Friday, Nov. 25- Indigenous Peoples ...

  3. Noon Basketball

    pick-up basketball. Come check us out and enjoy getting to know some new people via friendly competition ...

  4. First Mondays

    People and Situations, Cynthia Torppa For more information, contact T, Diane  ...

  5. Past ACEL to Extension Series

    people communicate differently and how you can use your strengths to build relationships with your team ... and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through the workshop participants will learn their ... people through processes that provide useful information and data in making decisions and developing ...

  6. CFAES cooperation with Kazakh National Agrarian Research University flowers

    million and middle-aged or older people did not learn about Kazakhstan as it was part of the Soviet Union ...

  7. Disability:IN and NextGen Initiatives

    students, graduate students, and recent graduates with disabilities are invited to apply. People of color, ...

  8. It's Chili Time!

    team name and the # of people on your team.  We will provide utensils, cups, spoons, tables, and voting ...

  9. Extension Keys

    defined by how people behave, the ideal employees are those who most closely align with your desired ... behaviors” (p. 9). Therefore, the important question was, “What level of agreement do the people in our ... for the Extension organization; and 600 people participated. These sessions included an introduction ...

  10. Wooster Science Cafe: The Science of Invasive Pests

    of Entomology at OSU’s OARDC. Her work focuses on informing people around the identification of pest ...
