
Search results

  1. Nutrition & Feed

    to about 8.2 billion by 2030. Feeding all of these people and eliminating hunger will require ...

  2. STEAM students enjoy a day at South Centers

    educating young people. Seeing their eagerness to learn, the intelligent questions they asked, and how they ...

  3. Islam wins Commercialization Achievement Award

    real-world problems – improving people’s lives across the globe and creating new opportunities for the ...

  4. Sarah Orlando named 2022 Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Recipient

    teaching and research, her programs run from “K to gray,” reaching people from a variety of age ranges and ... owners, her programming typically reaches thousands of people per year. Her colleagues often receive ... with people from a variety of backgrounds and opinions and is great at finding common ground and paths ...

  5. USDA ERS Dairy Outlook: January 2023

    the year. There are many resources and people available to help you be successful. ...

  6. Success Stories

    employer. This is what employers want, people that can solve problems. PACCAR (Kenworth) utilizes Lean Six ...

  7. A Farm Advisory Team Can Help You Succeed

    nutrition and health, crop variety selection, managing people, and monitoring financial performance are just ... a few of the items that add to the complexity.  Fortunately, there are several people available as ... a few of these people.  Each brings their own set of knowledge, skills, and experience to the table to ...

  8. In memory of Duane Rigsby

    (Stephanie) Rapp, his special Aunt Kay, and cousin David Aaron (Heather) Jones, as well as his beloved dog, ...

  9. Organizational Capacity Building Programs

    change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...

  10. ‘Market’ Research: How a field trip helped transform the Pike Outreach Food Pantry

    function as shopping assistants who promote nutrition as they are helping people. “These trainings that Dan ... their own food. Not only does a choice system cut down on food waste, as with non-choice systems people ... around a third of people who use food pantries have someone in their household with diabetes, and around ...
