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  1. Celebrate Ohio State’s Commitment to Plant Health

    exhibition Protecting Plants, People and the World examines the connections between plant health, humans and ...

  2. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Applied Economics, 2003 – People to Know John Grimes, BS & MS in Animal Science, 1983 & 1988- ... Recognized by CLARB Stephanie Langel, BS in Animal Science, 2011- New podcast takes listeners inside the ...

  3. Do You Get the Winter Blues?

    now. During this time of year, many people often begin expressing a feeling of sadness or mild ... depression. Did you know that feeling sad during this time of year is very typical, and many people suffer ... Loss of appetite, having low energy, or thoughts of  suicide. Many people are often ashamed or worried ...

  4. Think Differently: A Path Toward Tranquility

    research, psychoanalyst Albert Ellis (1997, 2016) reminds us that people and events do not upset us. Rather, ... we upset ourselves by what we think, or believe, about those people and events. When we are upset, we ... thinking, or beliefs, about people and events, we may reduce our negative emotions, and respond more ...

  5. Supporting Our Military & Veteran Students

    navigating university and military life can be a challenge. Stephanie Dampney, a senior majoring in animal ...

  6. Upcoming Training

    management.  This includes how to create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's ... events, people and more.  This training is only for the following websites. ACEL: Department of ... items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It is required that anyone who ...

  7. A successful season for Ohio State ATI’s Dairy Judging Team

    coach. “I don’t know if there’s very many people that can say they went as a student and then as ...

  8. Classes from August 31, 2021 through December 2021

    create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who ... items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It is required that anyone who ...

  9. See You at the Dean's Charity Steer Show

    showmanship, and people’s choice. During the event, there will be a “sale” following the same procedures as ...

  10. Can Animals Spread Disease to Humans?

    traveling or enjoying some outdoor activities, many people might encounter animals in either an urban or ... rural setting. Animals provide many benefits to people such as food, fiber, travel, sport, ... companionship, and education. However, animals can sometimes carry harmful pathogens that can spread to people ...
