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NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry
renew for another $26 million for five additional years. “Our ongoing priority is to support the people ... quality of people’s lives – and we work to ensure that groundbreaking scientific discoveries are brought ...
Judit E. Puskas
polymer coating on the Taxus drug-eluting coronary stent, implanted in over 10 million people Winner of ...
Megan Brittingham
4-H Youth Development since 2005 and believes all young people benefit from the life skills gained ...
(Speaker Series) Indigenous Right Relations: Shifting Power and Land Forward
of Indigenous Peoples throughout North America, with a few examples of how they have engaged locally ... by Indigenous Peoples often achieves better outcomes for our lands, waters, and climate than ... reach their most ambitious 2030 goals for our climate, waters, oceans, biodiversity, and people alike. ...
4-H Camps
jobs for more people than anyone else in Lancaster. She was frugal with her money yet was very generous ... in giving to her church. In her later years, Bertha set up a Trust for people who had very little. ...
Miralha to lead $4.9 million grant project to train water industry workforce in Ohio
the training program. “We plan to train people who will get jobs at the end of each training level we ...
Healthy People
Our Healthy People programs seek to educate Ohio residents about living healthy lives. Our Healthy ... People programs include lessons on healthy eating and cooking, physical activity, sun safety, food ... preservation, and food safety. The overall goal of Healthy People programming is to equip Ohioans with the ...
Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life
affinity toward or prejudice against some people (implicit bias). We will explore how our socialization ...
Don’t Let a Lapse in Biosecurity Ruin Your Fair
fair or exhibition visitors from petting or feeding your animals. People going from animal-to-animal ... hygiene. Animals can be a source of germs that can cause problems in people. Not only is HPAI a concern but ... strep that can cause skin or wound infections in people. Likewise, we can be a method of transmission of ...
Workshop: Responding to Microaggressions: Bystander Intervention Strategies that Work for Everyone
others, sometimes unintentionally and frequently directed toward people from marginalized social identity ...