
Search results

  1. Change Style Preference: Strengthening Your Capacity to Lead Self & Others online

    people; • Identifying and gaining insights to your change style preference by completing Discovery ... support them; • Recognizing common reasons people resist change and their respective implications to the ... change process; and • Developing techniques & strategies to successfully manage and lead people ...

  2. Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza

    Smith, and myself. Layer in all the presenters, donators, and behind the scenes people and you have an ... extraordinary group of selfless people dedicated to the cause of educating the next generation. If you would ...

  3. Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

    you can figure out what makes people tick and what ticks them off, you can create strategies for ... co-workers. Participants will learn to value the difference among the people around them. Beth Flynn is ...

  4. Countering Climate Change Creatively by Lynn Neuman

    groundbreaking work inspires people to gather around pressing issues, build community, create art, and enact ...

  5. Work Ethic Workshops

    $1,000,000 for this year’s Work Ethic Scholarship Program. "Through this program, we recognize people ...

  6. Conservation Coordinator

    our world’s toughest challenges so that we can create a world in which people and nature thrive. We’re ... People, Communities, and Cultures. Whether it’s career development, flexible schedules, or a rewarding ... that people come with talent and experiences outside of a job. Diversity of experience and skills ...

  7. Recognizing and Managing Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle

    people.  Depending upon their level of production, temperatures as low as 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit can ...

  8. Communicating to be Understood online

    a relationship. In this workshop we will explore how people communicate differently and how you can use your ... strengths to build relationships with your team and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through ...

  9. Upcoming Events from OAA

    Professional Development Consortium. At 6 p.m.  Wednesday (March 24), Stephanie G. Adams, dean of the College ...

  10. Corn Silage Harvest Safety Should Be Priority One

    people walking around moving equipment. First be sure everyone is aware of the additional equipment ...
