
Search results

  1. Core Competencies

    dealing with... PEOPLE (INTERPERSONAL) THE BUSINESS OF EXTENSION SELF (PERSONAL COMPETENCIES) ... networks, and dynamic human systems; relates well with people. Builds trust by interacting with others in ... appreciates the complex dynamics of organizations, communities (place, politics, and people), and the economic ...

  2. Diversify or Die: How Increasing Diversity of People and Ideas Can Make Organizations More Competitive

    Diversity of People and Ideas Can Make Organizations More Competitive."  The event is open to the Ohio ...

  3. Migration and Climate Variability

    over 158 million people with a high growth rate of ~2.5 million people per year. It is continuously ...

  4. Graduate Studies in AEDE Creates Career Path Focus

     “The willingness to engage in searching out what you do not know is a quality that holds people in good ...

  5. DEADLINE: Applications for USAID Africa Bureau Internships

    build sustained and well-governed states that respond to the needs of their people, reduce widespread ...

  6. Danyi Qi Awarded Bernie Erven Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award

    “One-third of edible food is wasted annually in the world,” says Qi.  “In order to feed 9 billion people in ...

  7. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: The University of Georgia

    capacity. So these people could do volunteer development, fund development, public relations in marketing ...

  8. Borlaug Dialogue- The World Food Prize

    1,200 people from more than 65 countries to address cutting-edge issues related to global food security ...

  9. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Louisiana State University

    important that young people understand the urgency we have with restoring those wetlands. It depends. The ...

  10. Hellen Kanyagha: Promoting Use of IPM Strategies to Control Plant Diseases in Tanzania

    I currently feel like I am in Tanzania surrounded by people with whom I know and whose company I enjoy. ...
