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Diversity: a key aspect of any organization, MEP can help
people from different cultures or generations. Understanding individual diversity is an important aspect ...
South Centers scientist recognized for reaching commercialization milestone
people. “They do not have the facilities, so they cannot perform routine soil tests like we do in the ...
Dairy Palooza 2019
nearly 400 people were in attendance! With quality assurance training and a session on writing thank-yous ...
Online Tickets for Farm Science Review Available
The Ohio State University, which sponsors the event. More than 120,000 people typically attend the ... in addition to the commercial vendors so people can do keyword searches to help them navigate the ...
EHD Virus Confirmed in Ohio Deer and Cattle
EHD Virus Confirmed in Ohio Deer and Cattle- Illness is not infectious to people COLUMBUS, OH ... people and is not spread from animal to animal. It is transmitted by the bite of small midges, so ... die within 36 hours of the onset of symptoms. People should always avoid touching or handling sick or ...
Weebles Wobble
are talking about people, families, lives. People who have committed to building or carrying on ... a dairy farm business because they love cows and farming. People who are providing jobs to other people ... and families. So why talk about it? Because it does involve people and what they have worked hard to ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: The Pennsylvania State University
track where people look on the screen, and it maximise-- taking their eye movement where you want them ... there, and how people like it, if they don't like it, if we need to do something different. ... Public Media and ourself at Outreach. And some of that's certainly people's salaries and stuff ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Delaware
people effectively. And there's already some research out there that speaks to us, but this would be ... I don't think the idea is novel. I think lots of people are doing this. For us, what's novel is that ... design skill sets. All we have to know is the content, and how we might engage people. And they even ...
A Great Success!
With over 300 attendees, the first Ohio Dairy Conference attracted considerably more people than ... people learned the dynamics of the U.S. dairy industry, the changes in eating and demand patterns of U.S. ...
Help for Injured or Aging Farmers
University Extension’s Ohio AgrAbility program. The program offers free on-site assessments for people with ... and 21 at 10 a.m. Under the Ohio AgrAbility tent at the Review, people can see motorized doors for ... shock absorbers to prevent a bumpy ride. “People might think ‘I don’t have a disability. I don’t need to ...