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  1. The Stepmother's Role in a Blended Family

    portion of our population. More people today live in stepfamilies than live in nuclear families. Fifteen ...

  2. Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm

    people often have a desire to work on farms and many are excellent employees. However, as an employer, ...

  3. Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts

    2003). It is a colorless gas and has a sharp, pungent odor that people can smell at about 5 to 18 ppm ... concentrations. People begin to detect odors at 5–50 ppm. Irritation to mucous surfaces occurs at 100–500 ppm. ...

  4. Tractor Loader Safety for Trainers and Supervisors

    to the loader. Never allow people to ride in the bucket. A load should not be moved or swung with ... people in the work area. Operate controls only when seated on the tractor. Remove the loader from the ...

  5. Involving Volunteers in a Community-Led Business Retention and Expansion Program

    strategies to expand the diversity of people and organizations and has an active role in tackling the ... challenges that affect the well-being of communities (Beaulieu & Cordes, 2014). How Many People Should Be ... The group helps set clear, attainable, and manageable goals for the program. Community-minded people ...

  6. Spray Irrigation of Reclaimed Wastewater for Rural Homes   People are understandably concerned about disease-causing organisms and spray irrigation of ...

  7. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Instructions for Measuring °Brix in Cucumber, Leafy Greens, Sweet Corn, Tomato, and Watermelon

    is fitting in part because people adore sweet corn for its sweetness. However, a wealth of commercial ... experience and scientific data also indicate that people also prize sweet corn for its texture and aroma. ... Leafy Greens, Sweet Corn, Tomato, and Watermelon, HYG-1653 The technical contributions of Stephanie ...

  8. Written Documents for Community Groups: Bylaws

    people from "going in different directions with different agendas." Before getting into what is ... criteria may be outlined. For example, a neighborhood association may indicate that all people residing ...

  9. Nurturant Grandfathering: Investment Work

    with paying for grandchildren’s education or vocational training. Connect grandchildren with people who ...

  10. Using Pasture Measurement to Improve Your Management

    to pounds of dry matter per acre. Taking samples in this manner does take time. Most people use it to ...
