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Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities Workshop
Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... knowledge and understanding of employment for people with developmental disabilities in agricultural ... settings • Learn about existing agricultural models that employ people with developmental disabilities ...
Money Management/Spending Smartly
course program designed to help people get control over their finances. In addition to information and ...
2015 Sewing Smorgasbord
2015 Sewing Smorgasbord Flyer Information on the People's Choice Contest: Apron ...
9th Annual Greene County Test Your Well & Soil Event
available for 20.00 each. Lots of knowledgeable people on hand to answer your water questions! Follow this ...
2015 Forage Management Tour
the Greene County Cattleman's Assn. Register by July 5th-class is limited to 50 people ...
Rolling Lift Carts
Farm equipment is often heavy, bulky, hard to move, and could require two people to safely lift or ...
Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities
Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... knowledge and understanding of employment for people with developmental disabilities in agricultural ... settings • Learn about existing agricultural models that employ people with developmental disabilities ...
Tough Work: Understanding and Serving People in Poverty While Caring for Yourself
Volunteers often serve in a tough capacity. This training, taught by OSU Extension, Lucas County will review the needs in our community and how to respond in healthy and helpful ways. Patrice Powers-Barker will teach the class and Sylvania Area Family Ser ...
“It’ll change everything. I’ll be able to farm and make food for people and that’s exciting.”
“It’ll change everything,” Bentlage says. “I’ll be able to farm and make food for people and ...
Winter Holiday Safety
is of the upmost importance. Here are some tips to help you until spring… People who have already had ... an elevated heart rate, decreased blood supply and decreased body temperature can put some people at ... risk. While some at-risk people should avoid shoveling snow, for others, it can be a terrific workout. ...