
Search results

  1. Chow Line: With flavored water, look at label closely

    the carbohydrates and electrolytes that sports drinks contain, but many people who reach for those ...

  2. News tips and events for the week of June 17

    Generations, 9–11 a.m., online. The workshop will identify four generations of people in today’s workforce, ...

  3. Chow Line: Prescription for healthy eating

    two-portions-a-day group. While this study focused on older people, boosting intake of fruits and vegetables isn’t ...

  4. Chow Line: Yogurt: So many choices, lots to like

    calcium for people varies, from 1,300 mg for 9- to 18-year-olds, to 1,200 mg for men 71 and older and ...

  5. Chow Line: A deadly reminder on home canning safety

    so as safely as possible? A lot of people were surprised. Foodborne botulism is rare: The Centers for ...

  6. Urban Coyotes Never Stray: Study Finds 100 Percent Monogamy

    counties in northeast Illinois. All are in greater Chicago, which is home to about 9 million people and is ... population ecology, how they adapt to urban life and how to reduce their conflicts with people. “A powerful ...

  7. Ohio State's Food Industries Center Helps Food, Beverage Industry Taste Success

    there working with the equipment, and we've seen other people there making their products. We saw ... that other people who had used the pilot plant were so successful. It gave us a real incentive. If they ... make her product. "It's a wonderful opportunity for people who are just starting out," ...

  8. Conservation Tillage Conference March 2-3 Delivers Value for Crop Advisers, Farmers

    people expected to attend the event, nearly half, 400, are certified crop advisers, said Harold Watters, ...

  9. Fertilizer Certification Window Closes Soon

    fact, there have been over 17,250 people certified in Ohio in the past 3 years by OSU Extension.  There ...

  10. Chow Line: Don’t Count on Luck to Make Corned Beef Safely for St. Patrick’s Day

    temperature of 160 degrees. Although some people will test corned beef for its doneness with a fork to measure ...
