
Search results

  1. Dr. Bill Hildebolt

    area 20 years ago. Now people are finally realizing the full potential of biology-based programs,” he ...

  2. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Animal Science, 2018- People Behind the Pint: Brittany Fischer & CHAIRE Welcomes Brittany Fischer ...

  3. Student Impact Stories

    college, but it’s true: when you find your niche and your people, you are comfortable. I am comfortable ...

  4. Mosquito Control Can = Disease Prevention

    protect people from mosquito bites for one to five hours depending on a variety of factors including ... pesticides is effective at temporarily knocking down adult populations. Repellents can protect people for ...

  5. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    Livestock judging gives young people many valuable opportunities to develop skills that will help ... meetings will be held December 16 and 17, 6-7pm, for those young people interested in livestock evaluation ...

  6. Peter P. Ling

    Lansing,Stephanie,L; Martin,Jay,F, "Use of an ecological treatment system (ETS) for removal of nutrients from ... Chiapas, Mexico" Proceedings for the 5th Biennial Emergy Research Conference 2009. Lansing, Stephanie ...

  7. Upcoming Opportunity- OSU Environmental Professionals Network

    famous bear in the world, and other grizzlies in the greater Yellowstone area.  How can people and bears ...

  8. Occasional Quantity Cooks Workshop

    Do you plan for, prepare, or serve food at events serving large groups of people?  If so, then ...

  9. Occasional Quantity Cooks Workshop

    Do you plan for, prepare, or serve food at events serving large groups of people?  If so, then ...

  10. Homecoming Memories

    pride I felt for Ohio State during that moment. This university (and its people) are exceptional. I was ...
