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Meet Dylan Beam: Biological Engineering Major and Undergraduate Researcher
than people in the state” rang true. Fortunately for Dylan, he has always had an innate love for the ... first but did not feel it was right. He wanted a more humanitarian pursuit. “I wanted to help people ... a lot of different people doing a lot of different research,” he said. His advice for those who want to ...
Innovate Ohio State 2018
with technology. Innovate is a time for bringing people together across disciplines and across adoption ...
Memories and Milestones of OSU Extension
all the people who worked or were touched by Extension programs. In-depth contributions were made by ...
Meet Grant McHugh: Volunteering to Build a Better World
same God I believe in is incredible. It’s refreshing and unique. The Lakota people taught me more than ... with the people of Pine Ridge. Grant is passionate about volunteerism. He dedicates his time with the ...
Local Volunteer Recognized
youth to adults – Judy’s garden club is growing both produce and people. ...
M. Banta
202 Jim, Is there a room there at AGE that I could reserve for three people from 12:30 to about ...
Fund Raising: Raffles, Bingo, Games of Chance
private companies and people may donate to a public agency, and employees or officials may solicit and/or ...
DISCflex Workshop
others, and realizing the impact of personal behavior on the people around you. Learn how to “flex” your ... into how an individual’s behavior impacts the people around her or him. DISC evaluates four key factors ... weaknesses, basic assumptions about other people), and a 360º view based on input from others you select. ...
About OSU Extension
information. No matter which county you visit, you can find people who are helped by the four major OSU ...
Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists, Lucas County (OCVN)
As Ohio’s population grows more urban, it is hard for people to make the connection to nature, ...