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Coping with Canada Geese: Conflict Management and Damage Prevention Strategies
and will nip or hit people who venture too close. Particularly vulnerable to attacks are small ... people feed Canada geese, it is a major cause of human–Canada goose conflicts in parks and residential ... to a successful harassment plan is the continual use of the chosen technique. Most people do not have ...
and drink varies across time and people. Age, metabolism, food intake, and women’s pregnancy status ... of adults (19+) do not consume the recommended amount of calcium. Due to the large number of people ...
Fruits and Vegetables Are a Convenience for Busy People!
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) food guidance system, recommends that people of all ages ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Apples
F, however, most people do not have access to that type of storage. For home food storage of apples, ...
Farming with Parkinson’s Disease
difficulty maintaining balance delayed speech People with Parkinson's disease usually retain a normal ...
No Riders on Lawn Equipment for Trainers and Supervisors
be allowed. For this module: Ask workers to list reasons why people might have riders. Stress the ...
Vibrio Species: Foodborne Illness and Seafood
people attribute their illness to a virus or flu. The local Health Department and Centers for Disease ...
First Grade: Fun Summer Time Activities and Games
at the sky. Together imagine they are animals, creatures, people, or monsters. Have fun as you try to ...
Protecting Against Noise for Trainers and Supervisors
ears. you have a hard time hearing people when they talk to you. you are unable to hear high pitched or ... hearing tested. Noise is defined as sounds people prefer not to hear. Noise is especially dangerous in the ...
Ammonia Emission from Animal Feeding Operations and Its Impacts
2003). It is a colorless gas and has a sharp, pungent odor that people can smell at about 5 to 18 ppm ... concentrations. People begin to detect odors at 5–50 ppm. Irritation to mucous surfaces occurs at 100–500 ppm. ...