
Search results

  1. Mid-Ohio Foodbank Partners with 4-H

    of our hungry neighbors. In Ohio, one in six people do not know where their next meal is coming ... the animals we receive can help people in this way,” said Linda Oiler, owner of Oiler Meat Processing. ...

  2. Southern Ohio 4-H educators host virtual project clinic

    the people I work with!” said Williams with enthusiasm. “With all the difficulty this year brought ...

  3. Are you Prepared?

    a jump start on recovery when faced with emergencies. The month-long campaign aims to encourage people to ... communications plans, emergency supply lists, information for specific populations (people with disabilities, ...

  4. Government Academy Workshop 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with Difficult People

    WORKSHOP 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with difficult people Taught by Dr. Jackie ... p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. ...

  5. Calendar of Events

    Middle School Girls and Everyone (Online) – In 4-H, we believe in the power of young people. Through ...

  6. Be Aware of Winter’s Silent Killer

    powered generators, furnaces and chimneys. More than 200 people die each year in the U.S. from incidental ... monitor. Together, these devices alert provide a quick alert for people to leave the area.   For additional ...

  7. Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) BEST Program

    Cattlemen’s Association Attn: BEST 10600 US Highway 42 Marysville, Ohio 43040   Or by email to Stephanie at  ...

  8. Buckeye Leadership Workshop

    anyone who works with people, professionally or informally, can develop programming for youth or adults. ... enjoy associating with great people, experiencing new ideas, and learning new skills.   ...

  9. Faces of Ohio 4-H- alumna presents at National 4-H FilmFest

    grateful to have been active in a program that encourages young people to find their passions and use them ...

  10. Calendar of Events

    offerings by going to and clicking on an image of the show site. Within that image, people can ...
