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  1. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    assisting people with informed decision-making through responsive research, education, entrepreneurial ...

  2. Groundbreaking Ceremony featured in Daily Record

    replace people." McPheron said the university was in a position to move forward with the construction ... a building," but to recognize a core investment in people, those who will work on new challenges. Arriving at ... this point also took a lot of people willing to do heavy lifting, Slack said. Among them were U.S. ...

  3. Industry and Researcher Round Table on the Future of Food Fish/Shrimp Production in Ohio

    By: Matthew A. Smith, Extension Aquaculture Specialist Approximately 40 people joined Ohio State ...

  4. OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update

    Studio at the University of Rio Grande.  Guests include a variety of people representing educational, ... statistics of YouTube and Internet Radio, people from over 170 countries have viewed or listened to at least ... broadcasts provide subject information on varying topics ranging from interviewing people from small ...

  5. Hellen Kanyagha: Promoting Use of IPM Strategies to Control Plant Diseases in Tanzania

    I currently feel like I am in Tanzania surrounded by people with whom I know and whose company I enjoy. ...

  6. Joan Msuya: Following Your Smile

    island. In order to smile you have to interact with other people. My stay at Ohio State was filled with ... new people which will last for a lifetime. Each Friday evening, we met with other international ...

  7. Community Development

      Learn more about Urban Food and Agriculture Ohio's Landscape With 11.5 million people (2010 ... people (metropolitan statistical areas) Urban Clusters (UCs) of at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 ... people (micropolitan statistical areas) Rural encompasses all population, housing, and territory not ...

  8. OSU Digital Ag Team Offers Advice on Nutrient Management

    a conference will be held in January to inform people about the many approaches and technological advances that ...

  9. Ohio’s first AgritourismReady conference a success

    have concrete examples with people who do this.  Would like more examples of tips they implement to ...

  10. Soil health, corn disorders, weeds topics of upcoming Soil and Water Field Night

    University South Centers enhance southern Ohio by assisting people with informed decision-making through ...
