
Search results

  1. 4-H Camps Return This Summer

    for young people as they offer safe environments for youth to become more independent, confident, and ...

  2. Top 4 Keys to Having Bluebirds in Your Yard

    Marne Titchenell, like so many people, likes bluebirds. “Bluebird populations at one time were ... activities, ticket prices and hours, are at Some 130,000 people are expected to attend. ...

  3. Farming For Justice- Unpacking Race and Disability Injustices on the Land

    and affirming. However, racism and ableism impacts people’s ability to connect with the land in ...

  4. Get feet wet in aquaponics at FSR

    University who will give the talks. “People like the idea of the marriage between fish and plants.” The ... local food choices and people’s nutrition, he said. “There’s a noticeable trend throughout agriculture ...

  5. Research-Informed Interventions and Leadership: COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Bias

    for Black/African Americans, Native Americans, and Latinx peoples from COVID-19 across the country. ... span from team members to people who hold positions of leadership in their organizations. Space is ...

  6. About

    Farm Science Review, we can not forget the people and places that provided the foundation of what the ...

  7. Professional Development Workshop: Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias (Wooster)

    perceptions of other people in ways that can negatively impact the people with whom we interact and ...

  8. Thanks for a Great Junior Fair!

    There are so many people to thank for doing so many things that go into making our Wayne County ... Superintendent, here are a few of the many key people that deserve special recognition and appreciation. First let ...

  9. Learn to cope with on-farm hurdles at Farm Science Review 2019

    more than 100,000 people throughout three days. It features 4,000 product lines and over 700 commercial ...

  10. Stand Up, Speak Out! How to Interrupt Bias by Being an Active Bystander

    unintentionally cause harm to others, especially those directed toward people in vulnerable populations. Have you ...
