
Search results

  1. 2023-27


  2. Field Days to Examine Crop and Livestock Integration Barriers and Benefits

    Fertilizer prices, soil health concerns, and extreme weather events have led many Ohio farmers to consider the benefits and barriers of adding manure and other livestock production elements to their row crop operations. Two Ohio State field days in August ...

  3. 2023 Agronomy Field Day

    Join OSU Extension Morrow County for the 2023 Agronomy Field Day. Speakers for the day include: Osler Ortez, Biological seed treatment research Jason Harschuh, Updates on vomitoxin research Morrow County Farm Service Agency Carri Jagger, Nitrogen rate stu ...

  4. Francesca Rotondo

    Francesca Rotondo ...

  5. Continue to Scout for Corn Foliar Diseases

    A dry early June delayed disease progression in corn, but we have received reports of gray leaf spot (GLS), tar spot, and to a lesser extent, northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) after recent wet, humid conditions. Corn growth and development is variable acro ...

  6. Lep Monitoring Network Update #14 – High WBC Numbers in Eastern OH Counties

    The Ohio Lep Network is continuing to monitor moth pests across Ohio. We are in our 14 th week of monitoring, and we are continuing population reports for Western bean cutworm (WBC), corn earworm (CEW), and both variations of European corn borer (ECB- IA ...

  7. Corn Yield Forecasts as of August 2, 2023

    Most of the corn acreage in Ohio now should have reached the silking stage, except for delayed planting conditions. Some fields have already transitioned to dough and milk stages. A new simulation of 2023 end-of-season corn yield potential and crop stagin ...

  8. Scout for Soybean Diseases in Ohio

    Now is the time to scout for mid-season soybean diseases. Though, disease levels across Ohio are low to moderate, current weather conditions are turning things around, and more fields are developing disease symptoms. Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) We are fin ...

  9. 2023-26


  10. Farm Science Review Agronomy College Sept 12

    Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio AgriBusiness Association will again partner to hold the Farm Science Review Agronomy College on Sept. 12. The event is designed to educate agronomists, Certified Crop Advisers, custom applicators and farmers on ...
