
Search results

  1. Dairy Farm Tour to Argentina and Uruguay

    trip, we need a minimum of 18 people and a maximum of 21. If you are interested in going or you want ...

  2. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    course program designed to help people get control over their finances. In addition to information and ...

  3. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Purdue University

    The Learning Network connects people and organizations with educational opportunities throughout ...

  4. We Need Your Help!

    people like you can have better health through healthy eating. Your answers to questions on this survey ...

  5. Grand Health Challenge

    overall combined weight loss was 3,409.1 pounds. Over the 11 years of the challenge, 4,008 people have ...

  6. Support for 4-H Dairy Judging Team to Travel to Europe

    Extension Wow what a year! Many workouts and competitions through the years prepared these four young people ... prepare our young people for future leadership roles. With their placement at WDE, they have earned the ...

  7. Gluten Free Eating Curriculum

    from their diet. For people who make the decision to eat gluten free as a matter of dietary choice and ...

  8. 9th Annual Greene County Test Your Well & Soil Event

    available for 20.00 each. Lots of knowledgeable people on hand to answer your water questions!  Follow this ...

  9. Neonatal Calf Management Workshop: A Cool Experience for the Serious Calf Raiser

    studying calf anatomy; and 4) Avoiding on-the-job injury. For the people working with calves, it is highly ... is discouraging for the people working with the calves and unprofitable, as well as unsustainable for ...

  10. From Weaning to Freshening, Dairy Heifer Care and Management Workshop: Fun for the Serious Heifer Raiser

    tracking growth. For the people working with heifers, it is highly rewarding to work with barns full of ... mortality, and bred-but-open heifers is discouraging for the people working with the heifers and unprofitable ...
