
Search results

  1. Pulse on Ohio’s Dairy Industry

    Ohio’s dairy farm families. Debt load has continued to increase and in talking to people who have ... people, and finances will be the focus of those that survive this period of crisis.   Figure 1. Number of ...

  2. Wildlife- Biodiversity, Nature and Natural History Links

    organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity) Ohio TNC (protects Ohio’s land, ... (advances preservation of natural diversity; inform, unite, support people who identify, protect, manage, ... public lands/natural legacy) Ohio Lepidopterists (people interested in butterflies, skippers, moths; ...

  3. Ohio Native Perennials: Adding Life to Your Garden

    benefits to both people and wildlife. This is the first of a 3-part series offered by the Warren County ...

  4. OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update

    Studio at the University of Rio Grande.  Guests include a variety of people representing educational, ... statistics of YouTube and Internet Radio, people from over 170 countries have viewed or listened to at least ... broadcasts provide subject information on varying topics ranging from interviewing people from small ...

  5. Water Quality, Watersheds, and Streams and Lakes Links

      Air   Plants & Animals   Energy   Climate Change   People; data rich programs:  Snow and Water ... Environment Federation (“The Water Quality People”) (info for public/K-12; training/online/conferences; ... Conservancy (U.S.-based global organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity) ...


    Introduction What do you like to do that you don't do well Easy question for most people ... hired to do. Most people gain more satisfaction from doing a job well than stumbling along on their own ... complex. People with all the necessary skills and experience for success cannot be hired Many new employees ...

  7. Soil health, corn disorders, weeds topics of upcoming Soil and Water Field Night

    University South Centers enhance southern Ohio by assisting people with informed decision-making through ...

  8. The Dairy NRC 2001 Lives On

    Dr. Bill Weiss, Professor and Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University Many people ...

  9. Ohio’s first AgritourismReady conference a success

    have concrete examples with people who do this.  Would like more examples of tips they implement to ...

  10. Community Development

      Learn more about Urban Food and Agriculture Ohio's Landscape With 11.5 million people (2010 ... people (metropolitan statistical areas) Urban Clusters (UCs) of at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 ... people (micropolitan statistical areas) Rural encompasses all population, housing, and territory not ...
