
Search results

  1. 2018 Family Day biggest ever!

    how much people were enjoying being here on campus and noticed several comments on social media about ...

  2. OSU-Wooster Campus’ Melanie Garcia Earns DDI Certification to Facilitate Leadership Courses

    firm DDI. The workshop is a comprehensive process to develop the skills and competencies people need to ...

  3. New Supervisor's Toolbox series beginning March 27

    & Priorities Dealing with Difficult People & Conflict Resolution Building Positive & ...

  4. Chow Line: Food Safety Hotline Provides Answers to Consumers' Food Questions

    summer when people are canning food, and during the holidays when people have questions about ... Thanksgiving turkey,” Dean said. “This service is a reliable resource for people who don’t have access to the ...

  5. September 2019 Highlights

    on Engineering and Food (ICEF13). The department hosted over 120 people this month at the annual FST ...

  6. Applications are being accepted for the Wayne County Mini Maker Faire

    is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can ...

  7. News from the ATI Admin Team

    that we still have far too many people on campus. We need to reduce those numbers immediately.    We ...

  8. Jenny Dirksen recognized for work in Latino community

    Wayne, Ashland and Medina. Jenny has devoted her free time to assisting people who are new to the U.S. as ...

  9. Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative Conference

    lot of people say, ‘Oh, they waste so much food at restaurants and supermarkets. I’ve seen the ... harvested worldwide is wasted before it is eaten – enough food to feed 2 billion people a year, according to ... population is expected to grow by 1 billion people. “So we can feed the increase in population just by ...

  10. Dining with Diabetes

    program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers. In a series of four ...
