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OSU Extension Launches New Forest Products Website
directly employs 47,000 people, with a total employment impact of 114,500 people. Ohio communities also ...
Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night Set for July 27
develop sustainable hop production practices for growing conditions in Ohio, he said. “A lot of people are ...
Diagnostic Workshop: What's Wrong With My Tree?
Pennsylvania and southwest New York. “The point of talking about beech leaf disease is to get people looking ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: To Be in Clover (or Not to Bee) (for the Week of July 15, 2007)
in the lawn of my grandfather, Grampa Trunk. He didn't mind. Some people like clover. They like ... grow in a garden. But: Nowadays lots of people want only grass to grow in their lawn, nothing else. ... They spread weed killers that kill the clover. And some people don't want bees around. ...
Ohio AgrAbility Program improving quality of life on the farm
" The Ohio AgrAbility Program has a mission to promote independence for people in agriculture ...
Beef 510
people behind the product. Glen Arnold, is an Associate Professor with Ohio State University Extension ...
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Extension's Worksite Wellness Programs a Smart Choice
"We can invite people to our educational programs, but it often works better if we go to them," ... don't even have to ask people to bring something healthy. It just naturally happens." The ... online health and fitness challenges-- 810 people participated in three such challenges offered in 2011 ...
'Make Tasks Easier': Arthritis Screenings, Universal Design Exhibit at Farm Science Review
arthritis is not only a serious health concern for farmers, but that often people think they can’t do ... abilities," Holmes said. "Initially, some people think Universal Design is only for the elderly or people ... Review, most people 'get it.' "Visitors seem most surprised by the fact that Universal ...
Media Advisory: CFAES Experts Available to Speak on Avian Flu
flu have been detected in Ohio among animals or people. Low pathogenic strains have been found in ... people and the natural history of influenza A virus. Before his return to academia, Bowman was ...
Assistance, Screenings Offered for Farmers Battling Arthritis
farmers and other people in the agriculture field, said Margaret Teaford, an associate professor in the ... said. "Some people think there is nothing you can do about arthritis, and that is not the ... bring the screenings where the people are, Teaford said. The screenings include identifying risk factors ...