
Search results

  1. Laura Deeter receives national honor

    student engagement, curiosity and/or achievement? Instructure helps people grow from the first day of ... school to the last day of work. More than 30 million people use the Canvas Learning Management Platform ...

  2. Queer 101: An Introduction to LGBTQ+ Identities

    people and a better understanding of their own identities. Cap: 100 participants       This workshop is ...

  3. Hunger and Food Security

    authorities estimate 11 percent of the world population — nearly 800 million people — are malnourished, and ...

  4. Local Foods Farm Tour- Bluegreen Gardens

    bring joy to people through the sharing of their flowers. 60 Hamburg Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130 ...

  5. Introduction to Agriculture

    cattle, etc. Who Is It For This professional development series was created for people working in banking ...

  6. Animal Sciences Alumni in the News

    milking coming to six-generation Daugherty dairy farm Dr. Donald Davidson  BS Dairy Science 1982-  People ...

  7. Laura Deeter receives national honor

    and/or achievement? Instructure helps people grow from the first day of school to the last day of work. ... More than 30 million people use the Canvas Learning Management Platform for schools and the Bridge ...

  8. Procedure for reserving community room in Applewood Village

    room can comfortably hold 45- 90 people, depending on the room setup. Follow the link below to view ...

  9. Dairy Day Addresses Industry Issues

    Ohio State ATI hosted Dairy Day in Wooster, Ohio on Thursday, November 14 th. Approximately 110 people ...

  10. Ayars Featured in New Book Discussing Women in the Dairy Industry

    people who are capable of being knocked down repeatedly by the hardest blows, but then able to get right ...
