
Search results

  1. About Universal Design

    expanding demographic of people living with a wide array of disabilities, age-related limitations, and ... usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without need for adaptation or specialization. The ... design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities. Principle 2: Flexibility in Use The ...

  2. EPN Meeting- July 13, 2021, Greening Engagement: Parks and Community Partnerships

    conserve open spaces, while providing places and opportunities that encourage people to discover and ...

  3. Go Outdoors, but watch for ticks

    tiny, blood-sucking bugs pass on diseases. “I always tell people the outdoors is healthy for you. You  ... Ohio.  Can the Asian longhorned tick harm people as well? So far in the United States, the Asian ... longhorned tick has not been shown to carry bacteria or viruses that can cause diseases in people. But we ...

  4. Faculty awarded BETHA funding

    supports programs that examine the impact of science and technology on people and society.  To learn more ...

  5. 49th Annual WMAO Conference and Symposium

    online venue, they will be posted on the WMAO website. The people involved in water resources management ...

  6. Inaugural Sustainability Institute energy symposium: Energy Transition and Decarbonization

    Does It Mean to Go Negative? 4:10 p.m.  Power To, For and From the People 4:55 p.m.  Wrap-up of Day One ...

  7. Academic Advisors and Faculty Mentors

    People webpage. Don't wait until the last minute to contact your mentor when you need theirr help. ...

  8. Tips for coping with Coronavirus- managing stress and uncertainty

    Tips for Coping with Coronavirus-  Dr. Teresa Young, PhD People living in rural communities and on ... people, they are using this time to rest. For others, they are completing tasks they’ve put off doing. ... the positives. Any number of people will gladly complain about all the setbacks they are experiencing ...

  9. TIps for coping with Coronavirus- managing stress and uncertainty

    Tips for Coping with Coronavirus-  Dr. Teresa Young, PhD People living in rural communities and on ... people, they are using this time to rest. For others, they are completing tasks they’ve put off doing. ... the positives. Any number of people will gladly complain about all the setbacks they are experiencing ...

  10. The Monarch Butterfly: Conservation of an Insect Ambassador

    wildlife, people, and monarchs through the Ohio Division of Wildlife.  Tara Allen Tara is a graduating ...
