
Search results

  1. 2006

    Characteristics Gonul Kaletunc Stephanie Cowell Application of the QBR Index to the Riparian Forests of Several ...

  2. Maggie Miller

    Hometown: Port Washington, OH What's your favorite thing about Ohio State?  The great people and ...

  3. Healthy Finances

    all people to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth. Questions: Courtney Warman   Partner Program: ...

  4. 2013

    Science and Engineering NAME TITLE  (to read abstract, click on title) PROJECT ADVISOR Stephanie Dickson ...

  5. Universal Design

    to make housing accessible and useable for people of all ages and abilities. Universal Design, ... of ages and abilities. Universal Design is all about helping people recognize the variety of ...

  6. 2008

    Evaluation of the Future for Small Dairy Farms Cameron Thraen Stephanie Metzger Biofilm Formation by ...

  7. Lesa Ramsburg

    Finksburg, MD What's your favorite thing about Ohio State?  The connections and people I've met. ...

  8. Natalia Jaspeado

    favorite thing about Ohio State?  Campus, the people, and all the support available to students. Fun Fact:  ...

  9. Trinity Meadows

    a Peer Mentor because I want to help people the same way I was helped from my older peers in the past. ...

  10. Amanda Woods Receives Compass Award

    said Treasurer Sprague. “Through the Compass Award program, we’re honoring the people and organizations ... across Ohio who are instilling our young people with the tools and knowledge needed to achieve a bright ... attention it deserves across the state! So many people are integral in helping to make an impact across the ...
