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  1. Establishing Early Successional Habitat for Wildlife

    grasses are different from the cool-season grasses most people are used to working with, and they require ...

  2. Soil Evaluation for Home Septic Systems

    that can make people sick. Organic matter in the effluent creates bad odors and the nutrients in ...

  3. Preserving Food With Less Sodium

    choice or due to special dietary needs, many people are looking for ways to reduce their sodium intake. ...

  4. Written Documents for Community Groups: Policies and Procedures

    number of people that must vote or be present and the length of the term. The procedures should also ... minutes, the people read their cards, one at a time. When all ideas have been shared, the group keeps ...

  5. Electrical Shock

    the current’s path through the victim’s body. People have survived shocks of several thousand volts, ...

  6. Be Aware of Heat Stress

    treatment before life-threatening conditions occur. Because people work slower and less efficiently when ...

  7. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Apples

    F, however, most people do not have access to that type of storage. For home food storage of apples, ...

  8. Farm to Health: Maximizing Nutrients and Phytonutrients in Ohio Produce

    Guidelines recommend that most people consume 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables per day. ...

  9. Summary of Hydraulic Fracturing in Ohio

    experience a significant inflow of people to support shale gas development. As a result, local leaders should ...

  10. Drain Flies (Moth Flies)

    Outdoors they can be a public nuisance by getting into the eyes, ears and nose of people; getting stuck in ...
