
Search results

  1. Mindfulness In The New Year

    meditation and measureable changes in the brain regions involved in memory, learning and emotion.  People ... Mindfulness is changing the way you see what’s already there. It’s a tool that teaches people to become aware ...

  2. 2018 Farm Financial Management School

    evening.  The registration cost is $50/person or for two people from the same farm business.  Sponsorships ...

  3. Safety in Working and Handling Livestock

    animals, like people, have individual temperaments and can sometimes exhibit unpredictable behavior.  For ... spooked.  For this reason, people recognized as good animal handlers commonly say to never work animals ...

  4. 4-H Summer Highlights and Making Memories

    Fair Board and numerous young people represented Wayne County in numerous competitions ranging from ...

  5. America Saves Week

    saving for? What is your savings story and how can it help other people? What is your favorite savings ...

  6. Forest Bathing

    children.  According to a study in 2008 with more than 60,000 people participating adult participation in ...

  7. Data visualization class designed to increase science communication

    the School of Environment and Natural Resources. “Since most people are visual learners, I think ... for the Department. “In our information-heavy society, people need scientists and professionals who ...

  8. Sharif holds internship with Franklinton Gardens

    their communities. Students complete coursework in program and people development, planning and ... leadership and gain the skills necessary to work with people of all ages and develop them into agents of ...

  9. Employee Emergency Response Training

    in establishing an employee preparedness plan: In the event of an emergency how will people reconnect ...

  10. The Fair Buzz

    building represent young people expanding on their skills and talents.  Photography, nutrition, wood ...
