
Search results

  1. Winter Holiday Safety

    is of the upmost importance. Here are some tips to help you until spring… People who have already had ... an elevated heart rate, decreased blood supply and decreased body temperature can put some people at ... risk. While some at-risk people should avoid shoveling snow, for others, it can be a terrific workout. ...

  2. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Joanna Quiah

    Working Group and it has been eye-opening to learn about all of the ways people can involve themselves ...

  3. ATI dedicates new beef cattle handling facility

    for  ATI's new beef cattle handling facility  on Oct. 12. About 100 people attended the program, ...

  4. On The Road With The Sustainable World Tour

    a great year for living a biobased lifestyle and we hope that we've encouraged a few people during ...

  5. 'Our future depends on cultural intelligence'

    He also delivered one of the three breakout sessions offered in the morning. More than 130 people ... I know there were people there on Friday who desperately needed to be a part of that larger discussion, ...

  6. Environment and Natural Resources

    relationships between people and their natural environment through sustainable development. Learn more about the ... students to explore relationships between people and their natural environment through sustainable ...

  7. Animal Sciences

    Learn firsthand how people and animals work together for mutual benefit, and spend six weeks of winter ... Human and Animal Interactions Ireland December 2015 This program shows students how people use animals ...

  8. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...

  9. Stress Management During Tough Financial Times

    along with people, anxiousness, feelings of being overwhelmed, emotional outbursts, trouble ... decisions. People in this support network also may provide a sympathetic ear that allows some of the ... financial stress burden to be shared. These are people that want to see your farm succeed and be passed on ...

  10. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    fifty people the wonderful benefits that they all gained through the Butler County 4-H program.  Each ... many people fear public speaking more than death.  4-H teaches countless life skills used in our ... people and their families gain beneficial skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and ...
