
Search results

  1. Findings from energy conservation study featured in Ohio State News

    States and found two vulnerable populations, people with disabilities who may be using life-saving ... equipment and elderly people more sensitive to temperature changes, saw the largest increases in their bills ...

  2. Alumni Career Spotlight: Jennifer Sherry

    wildlife and people. During my job search, it was really important to me that my values aligned with those ... understanding how people relate to the environment and make decisions about the environment is extremely useful ... unique threats faced by mountain people, plants and animals. This ultimately steered me towards my Ph.D. ...

  3. Dr. Wang’s aquaculture book named one of the all-time best by

    by thought leaders, and aids people in finding the best books on any topic. The site serves millions ...

  4. CD Wire- April 19, 2021

    Director of LOD at OSU Extension. Within the next few hours, I heard from a few people saying that the ... monitoring activities. Appointing People on Sponsored Programs- May 11 from 9 to 11 a.m. In this session ... recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma that impact their daily lives. People who ...

  5. Graduate Exit Seminar via Zoom- Tiffany Williams

    people’s views and support of environmental issues. This paper serves to explore the intersection of race, ...

  6. Workshop on Carnivore-Livestock Management

    Session 3  The Economics of Livestock (Sheep and Lamb) Predation Stephanie Shwiff (USDA-National Wildlife ...

  7. School releases latest impact statements

    science-based knowledge to minimize human-wildlife conflict We documented the linkages between people and the ...

  8. Understanding Community Needs and Assets: Tools and Approaches

    (people, skills, infrastructure, civic organizations, natural resources, and many more) that can be built ... Your Community Sometimes you may want to engage in conversations with people to find out what they ... you make sense out of several people’s answers to your questions? Don’t worry. The process is called ...

  9. Workshop held on Growing Organic Crops in Ukraine

    soil health and water quality.  Ukraine has the land, water, technology, and motivated people to ...

  10. How communities work across boundaries to address wildfire

    innovative management approaches spread across fire-prone landscapes, and how local people coordinate to ...
