
Search results

  1. Basic Estate Planning: Tax Basis if Property Is Transferred

    $70,000 would increase most people's federal tax bill by $10,500 ($70,000 X 15%). There would also be ... as $1.3 million per person utilizing the qualified family-owned business deduction times two people ...

  2. Protecting Against Noise for Trainers and Supervisors

    ears. you have a hard time hearing people when they talk to you. you are unable to hear high pitched or ... hearing tested. Noise is defined as sounds people prefer not to hear. Noise is especially dangerous in the ...

  3. Nurturant Grandfathering: Lineage Work

    Lineage work refers to a grandfather’s efforts to provide an historical road map of people, places, and ...

  4. Calving Management in Dairy Herds: Timing of Intervention and Stillbirth

    without the use of mechanical traction 3 = assistance by 2 or more people 4 = assistance with mechanical ...

  5. Effective 4-H Club Meetings

    The adult helps set boundaries and expectations for young people. The adult could be called supporter, ...

  6. Coalition Goal Setting

    number of people reached by any given activity is considered an output. Outcomes are the desired changes ...

  7. Common Difficulties Faced by Coalitions

    management: Practice active listening. Keep emotions in check. Separate the people from the problem. Focus on ...

  8. Reading Pesticide Labels

    pesticides as either general use or restricted-use. Restricted-use pesticides can harm people, animals or the ...

  9. Soil Evaluation for Home Septic Systems

    that can make people sick. Organic matter in the effluent creates bad odors and the nutrients in ...

  10. Feral Swine in Ohio: Managing Damage and Conflicts

    that can affect people, pets, livestock and wildlife (Table 1). Two diseases of great concern in Ohio ...
