
Search results

  1. 4-H teens assist Ohio State Student Life organization on National Day of Giving

    these meals are shelf-stable, so people don’t have to use them right now. A lot of times we get fresh ...

  2. Building future leaders

    thing about 4-H leadership camp was taking the fear out of meeting new people and building skills he was ...

  3. April Shared Harvest Dates, Times and Locations

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  4. Remember Ohio 4-H in your end-of-year giving

    volunteers, alumni, and supporters, you “inspire kids to do” each and every day. People like you who believe ...

  5. Solid Rock Apostolic Church Shared Harvest Food Distribution

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  6. Ansonia Local Schools and OSU Extension to host drive-thru food distribution

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  7. Radiant Lighthouse Shared Harvest

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  8. Village of Castine Shared Harvest

    appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process ... income listed on this form for households with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also ...

  9. CANCELED DUE TO SNOW- Shared Harvest Foodbank Food Distribution- Ansonia Local Schools

    up food should drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours.  We ask, people receiving ... with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also certify that, as of today, the household ...

  10. Food Distribution at Ansonia Local Schools

     We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the check-in process and place their ... with the same number of people in the household.  Clients also certify that, as of today, the household ...
