
Search results

  1. Stress Task Force Offering Help to Struggling Ohio Farmers

    made up of people who can help connect farmers and their families with specialists either within Ohio ...

  2. Ohio Saves

    initiative to help all people focus on saving money, reducing debt, and building wealth over time. Launched ...

  3. Speaker Information

    models.  Her mission is to teach people to be wise about screen use by learning to: “Be Aware, Protect, ... lives, and she works to get people involved in the Gem City Market and other cooperative projects.  Kenya ...

  4. Dan Remley Receives Priester Award

    of people across the United States and provide leadership to expand Extension’s capacity to increase ...

  5. Agricultural & Natural Resources Madness- Tournament of Education

    a competition, and people can join in at any time for as many or as few sessions as they desire.” The tournament ...

  6. Government Academy Workshop 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with Difficult People

    WORKSHOP 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with difficult people Taught by Dr. Jackie ... p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. ...

  7. Spring- Dining with Diabetes

    meet the challenge. Dining with Diabetes is a nutrition education program designed for people with ...

  8. Researcher Studying Agriculture Fairs and Flu Among Pigs

    and people. When one case is discovered at a fair, more often than not, several cases are found at the ... what prevention measures are taken at the fairs and how often they are used to keep people and animals ... H3N2. In animals and people, the clinical signs of influenza can include fever, a runny nose, coughing ...

  9. Agriculture & Natural Resources Madness- Tournament of Education

    a competition, and people can join in at any time for as many or as few sessions as they desire.” The tournament ...

  10. Fall Dining with Diabetes

    Dining with Diabetes is a nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their  ...
