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  1. Initial Farm Injury Emergency Response

    increase the chances of survival by providing advanced medical care. If there are other people with you, ...

  2. Shiga-Toxin Escherichia coli: What You Should Know About this Group of Foodborne Pathogens

    cases that occur each year is hard to determine because many people attribute their illness to a virus ...

  3. Written Documents for Community Groups: Bylaws

    people from "going in different directions with different agendas." Before getting into what is ... criteria may be outlined. For example, a neighborhood association may indicate that all people residing ...

  4. Botulism: What You Don't See or Smell Can Still Hurt You

    age. There are a number of organisms that can make people sick. It is not possible to determine which ...

  5. Protecting Against Noise for Trainers and Supervisors

    ears. you have a hard time hearing people when they talk to you. you are unable to hear high pitched or ... hearing tested. Noise is defined as sounds people prefer not to hear. Noise is especially dangerous in the ...

  6. How to Read the Nutrition Facts Label

    than enough fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugar. People who consume too much of these nutrients ... products. The ingredient list is helpful for people who are trying to limit certain nutrients or avoid ...

  7. Effective 4-H Club Meetings

    The adult helps set boundaries and expectations for young people. The adult could be called supporter, ...

  8. Backyard Grilling: Food Safety Practices to Keep on the Front Burner

    hands on your clothes. Question: What should people do if they’re outside and not close to a sink? ... Anything Else? Question: What other aspects/topics of food safety at the grill should people be aware of? ...

  9. Basic Estate Planning: Letter of Instruction

    Otherwise competent people might not be thinking clearly at that time. A suggested list of items to include ... instruction is next best. Do not put off making decisions concerning the disposition of property. Many people ...

  10. The Stepmother's Role in a Blended Family

    portion of our population. More people today live in stepfamilies than live in nuclear families. Fifteen ...
