
Search results

  1. Celebration of Juneteenth

    by speaking to people, policies, processes, and programs that shatter the status quo and lift up the ...

  2. Thoughts from the Director

    for others. Do people know they can run ideas by you without being judged? Are you available for, and ...

  3. Farm Science Review will be virtual for the first time, and free

    because of the coronavirus pandemic, reaching people not in person but on their laptops and smartphones. ...

  4. Thoughts from the Director – COVID-19 Updates

    programming for educational events up to 100 people that cannot be accomplished virtually.  Per the ...

  5. Thanks for a Great Junior Fair!

    There are so many people to thank for doing so many things that go into making our Wayne County ... Superintendent, here are a few of the many key people that deserve special recognition and appreciation. First let ...

  6. 4-H’ers Getting Ready for Fair Starts Now

    In barns and homes all across the United States, young people that are members of 4-H and FFA are ...

  7. Social Isolation, Stress and Anxiety in a Time of Uncertainty

    During this time many people are dealing with feelings of social isolation, stress, and anxiety. ...

  8. Thoughts from the Director

    grill, and talking longer walks in the sun. I am glad to know that more and more people are getting ...

  9. COVID Spending

    people were not driving as much during the second quarter, spending on gasoline decreased by 25 percent. ... and vehicles” that includes all kinds of items. People must have spent some of their usual gas money ... equipment, guns, boats, and motorcycles. People also increased spending on tools and equipment for home ...

  10. A virtual battle cry

    optimism, rising up to a crescendo of percussion and horns. When the band starts playing it, people stand up ... throughout the stadium—often 100,000-plus people coming together in one moment—and cheer. The COVID-19 ...
