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Algal Blooms 101
people. Blooms are costly. It doesn’t take an economist to know that slime of any color keeps people away ...
Taking Measure of Ohio's Opioid Crisis
people in rural areas of Ohio have extremely limited access to medication-assisted treatment. This is ...
Algal blooms cost Ohio homeowners $152 million
before people decide to buy homes or go fishing elsewhere? As it turns out, people have a pretty low ... perceptible.” “People make decisions based on their perceptions, and they get their strongest perception of ... level, water becomes noticeably cloudy. And then there’s the smell. “People say it smells like sewage or ...
Increased Access to Treatment, Improving Economic Opportunity Are Keys to Combating Ohio’s Opioid Crisis
patients. “As it now stands, many people in rural areas of Ohio have extremely limited access to ... including prescription painkillers and heroin, killed more than 33,000 people nationwide in 2015, more than ... a co-author of the report and a Swank research associate. “The longer people are unemployed, the more opiate ...
Successful Co-Parenting
Successful Parenting is a program mandated by the Court of Common Pleas for people getting ...
Darke County 4-H Cloverbud Rocks!
find. Cloverbud Rocks! is meant to inspire people to venture out and explore our county's beautiful ...
Employee Emergency Response Training
in establishing an employee preparedness plan: In the event of an emergency how will people reconnect ...
Getting a Job on the Farm- Labor Issues for Young Farm Workers
will be at the Firebaugh Building in OSU Central. Concerns with young people working agricultural jobs ... change, what was learned from the experience is a lot of people didn't know the requirements. This ...
Celebrating Occupational Therapy Outreach for the Farm
works with OT practitioners to promote independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts ...
Would a $15 minimum wage work in Ohio?
“I think Ohio would be more of a destination state when people see a better standard of living and ... a better workforce.” But critics call the plan a job killer, “It’s just something that a lot of people say ... Ohio State University, “As you raise the minimum wage, more and more of the people you are trying to ...