
Search results

  1. Don’t let arthritis or chronic pain stop you from gardening: Raised, vertical and elevated beds and container gardens

    well for people who cannot bend or stoop, as well as people who may not have very much space for ...

  2. Effective Employee Management

    mirror. People often leave a job due to bad management. Good managers build employee morale and keep ... people Holding people back: Good managers provide employees with opportunities for advancement and ways ... focus on solutions. Frequent threats of firing: This makes people feel like they are disposable and ...

  3. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Universal Design in the Garden

    is the creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent ...

  4. On Farm Biosecurity to Keep Us and Employees Safe

    parlor, and anything else people may touch.  Porous Surfaces on the Farm For porous surfaces, such as ...

  5. Health information, Human Capital, And Risky Behavior: New (improved) estimates of how information affects behavior

    I develop empirical measures of the stock of information people have about the risks of smoking. I use ... behavior changes when people are exposed to more information. I then explore how those responses vary ... across people with different levels of human capital. I use several sources of individual survey data. ...

  6. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Universal Design House and Garage at Farm Science Review

    creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible ...

  7. Ohio Stable in Farm Bankruptcies, While Nation is Up

    the biggest factor that influences farm bankruptcy filings because a lot of people use their land as ...

  8. Financial Resources

    Protection For people who are facing financial uncertainty during this time, the Consumer Financial ...

  9. Breakout Session Descriptions

    bias and other less positive ways that some people respond to persons from diverse backgrounds. Next, ... intake lowers blood pressure, with greater effects among people with hypertension (CDC, 2017).      There ... Ambassador activities that promote cultural competency. The Beneath the Iceberg activity helps people become ...

  10. Coming in 2014: Managing Dairy Employees More Effectively Farm Assessment

    is accomplished through people, and more cows per farm means more people are needed to care for those ... cows. How can you do a better job managing people and therefore your cows? A good first step is knowing ... owners and managers identify strengths and areas of concern in their people management skills and the ...
