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  1. FSR presentation ‘Can Cities Feed Themselves?’ looks at urban farming

    substantial, he said. “People have caught onto the fact that urban ag has a whole lot of community development ... Some 130,000 people are expected to attend the event. ...

  2. Meet Ashlee Balcerzak: Paving the Road to a Career in Higher Education

    field,” she recalls. “After traveling to Guatemala for a mission trip and seeing how many people lacked ... to become a medical doctor to help people, I was going to become a different kind of doctor who could ... also help people, I wanted to use my love for learning and education to help others and make ...

  3. Farm Science Review: Good reasons to go green at the Gwynne Conservation Area

    of the Review’s main grounds, where some 130,000 people are expected over the event’s three days. In ... a forester, I’m happy to show people how planting small seedlings eventually leads to large trees,” Smith ...

  4. Shannon O'Hearn

    What's your favorite thing about Ohio State? The best thing about OSU is the community of people you ...

  5. Meet Lindsay West: A Food Engineer with a Global Perspective

    throughout her life. These experiences influenced the way she views the world and people. Her passion for ... opportunity to create real world solutions that improve the lives of many people.  Lindsay says, “This ... has to offer.  “I’ve learned that people love sharing their experiences if you are willing to strike ...

  6. ODA Warns Not to Plant Unsolicited Seeds

    on them. Unsolicited packages of seeds have been received by people in several other states across ...

  7. Farm Science Review – Larger Exhibit Area, Easier Access

    difference to visitors,” said Nick Zachrich, Farm Science Review manager. “With close to 130,000 people ...

  8. 5 ways Gwynne’s growing greener (and you can, too)

    that people — including the Review’s 100,000-plus visitors every September — can take home and use on ...

  9. The Farm Science Review Wants Your Selfie

    said. Behind him, some of the 110,000 to 130,000 people who attend the three-day event would be visiting ...

  10. Meet Morgan Dent: Humanitarian Engineer

    on what really matters, relationships, people, and love. I also learned a lot about teamwork, ... loved people-focused work and community development. The work she did in Ghana affected her so much she ... interest in service or research or a different opportunity explore it, research, ask people questions. ...
