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  1. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    course program designed to help people get control over their finances. In addition to information and ...

  2. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities Workshop

    Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... knowledge and understanding of employment for people with developmental disabilities in agricultural ... settings • Learn about existing agricultural models that employ people with developmental disabilities ...

  3. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    course program designed to help people get control over their finances. In addition to information and ...

  4. Grief

    with people we love and care for and less about the decorations.  During this week, make it a point to ...

  5. Graduation Party Prep

    separately from the food at a location where the flow of people will be out of the line for those getting ... consider. If serving a buffet, most people will taste everything, but have smaller portions than a regular ...

  6. How can you prevent food poisoning from Salmonella in your home?

    Have you ever had "food poisoning?" Food poisoning is the common term many people use to ...

  7. Home Composting

    small for some uses Another alternative to composting that some people consider is vermiculture.  ...

  8. Gratitude and Your Health

    often. If someone shows you kindness, express a genuine ‘thank you’. Tell people how much you appreciate ...

  9. Choices to Create the Life We Love

    a bad mood all the time?  Make it a habit to look for the good in people and focus on that, in other ...

  10. Persitence

    can be that person! One trait that many accomplished people attribute their success to is the ability ...
