
Search results

  1. CFAES facility in southern Ohio celebrates 25 years

    ideas and concepts and provide leadership to bring people together that can spawn even newer and ...

  2. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Managing Vacant Land to Support Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

    Worldwide the majority of the world's people now live in cities. Traditionally conservation ...

  3. Ohio Native Perennials: Adding Life to Your Garden

    benefits to both people and wildlife. This is the first of a 3-part series offered by the Warren County ...

  4. Students Travel to National Conference

    on the flight zone and other principles of grazing animal behavior that have helped many people ... Science Taylor Kruse, second year Animal Sciences Stephanie Verhoff, fourth year Sustainable Plant ...

  5. Healthy, wealthy, and wise: What worksite wellness means to people... and how Extension helps

    Sciences (FCS) educators give these efforts a much-needed shot in the arm. "We can invite people to ... staff. Even when we have potlucks, we don't even have to ask people to bring something healthy. It ...

  6. Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center

    trained tutors Students can also work on math with other people in their courses. Most MSLC tutors are ...

  7. Farm Science Review: 'Breaking new ground'... while flying above it

    Ohio. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that people don't understand or know what it is ... through people's actions, either by accident or on purpose. They usually spread fast and can reduce ...

  8. Supporting Ohio’s $786 million grape and wine industry …

    Ohio’s economy. Ohio’s grape and wine industry employs more than 5,000 people, according to the Ohio ...

  9. Tough Horseman Race

    only & limited to first 100 people to register*   Registration limited to OSU students only. ...

  10. New study looks at why Americans waste so much food

    people perceive benefits to throwing food away, some of which have only limited basis in fact. A study ...
